Tuesday, June 27, 2006

BBC NEWS - Three held over virus e-mail plot

BBC NEWS -Three held over virus e-mail plot

What possesses people to write a virus. Someone with that much programming skill could make so much money, instead they write viruses which cause pain and grief to millions of people daily! This story gives us some hope against people who are malicious enough to cause businesses and personal computer users the pain that they do.

If you are not properly protected against virus attacks, I recommend AVG Free Anti-virus software for single user PC's.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

BBC Desktop alerts and News Ticker

The latest new and improved BBC News Ticker and alerts service.

BBC NEWS Help Desktop tools

Download the programme and install it on your PC to stay up-to-date with all the latest News and Sport alerts and headlines. I dont know about others but I like to know the news all day, and with the world cup currently on it is nice to stay updated with the latest World Cup updates.

Click the link above or the title to see more about this BBC service. You can download the BBC desktop tool from the same page!

Have fun!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Rachael Arlington: New Kid, Same Old Crap - BreakTheChain.org

Rachael Arlington: New Kid, Same Old Crap - BreakTheChain.org

Break the chain! These things are really annoying. I get about 4 or 5 of these types of messages per week and I DO NOT FORWARD ANY OF THEM ON anymore. Yes I have been victim of emotion and forwarded these messages in the past, BUT NO MORE!

If companies like AOL or Microsoft really wanted to help then they would donate themselves, they are NOT going to track a message as these are easily freaked and made up and it is simple to send an email from anywhere to anywhere!

If you get any of these types of messages then PLEASE DO NOT SEND THEM ON!