Thursday, July 13, 2006

Zidane headbutt outrage: new video evidence | The Register

Zidane headbutt outrage: new video evidence The Register

The video evidence is quite funny!

Poor OLD Zidane, apparnetly still a hero in France, but personally I am glad he got sent off, as it may have been his penalty that lost Italy the cup...

Well done Italy!


Sunday, July 09, 2006

ITALY win the World Cup 2006!

Well done to the Italian's. After a fantastic semi-final win against Germany, and then a 5-3 penalty win in the world cup final against France. And there I was thinking that it was all over for the Italian team once it went to penalties. They have a BAD reputation for losing at penalty shoot outs. FORZA ITALIA!

Read the story on BBC News... world_cup_2006/4991652.stm