Monday, December 31, 2007

Virgin Media "Upto" 1.5mbps WOW! Waste of money!

What the hell are Virgin Media playing at?

3 days running now I've had less than 1.5mbps download speeds from Virgin Media. I pay for a full "up-to" 20mbps. I'm getting the same (if not worse) speeds than I was when I was at the smaller package! They even sent me a new modem as the one I had previously (WebStar DPX100) they said was not capable of the 20Mbps speeds. Well anyway, they've sent me this new modem a 2100, and the setup pages say its set to 20Mbps, but as I said, not even getting a full 2mbps!

Whats the point in paying the extra for more bandwidth if you don't even get a slight improvement? If this doesn't improve soon, then I'm afraid I will be going back to the cheaper package and still get the same speeds.

If anyone wants to test their internet speed then I wholly recommend using at...

I recommend doing regular tests maybe twice a day at two different times per day, but at the same times each day! (if you know what I mean). This will give you a good indication of the average speeds. As an example... do a test at 2pm and 11pm every day! Then record your speeds and compare then over several days to get an average speed.

Rant over!

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